Recomendaciones: Qué escuchar: Antroposabores: Un encuentro con... La gastronomía mexicana

Si ya escuchaste la Primera Temporada, te invito a que escuches una nueva temporada del pódcast de Antroposabores con la profesora Ocarina Castillo quien encabeza el Diplomado de Alimentación, Cultura y Perspectiva de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Esta nueva temporada viene dedicada a la gastronomía mexicana y cuenta con con unos invitados muy especiales y muy representativos del acervo gastronómico, intelectual, cultural y académico mexicano que nos hablan de una de las cocinas más conocidas en el mundo y que hoy día está inscrita por la UNESCO en la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad.



Recommendations: What to Watch: Midnight Diner / Recomendaciones: Qué ver: Midnight Diner (Tiene subtítulos en español)

Photo credits: Netflix

"Midnight Diner" on Netflix

I'm delighted to have found this series on Netflix. I had read about it previously, but didn't want to add more to my long list of movies-to-watch, so when it popped up in my suggestions, I decided to watch an episode (they're less than 30 minutes-long) and I'm now hooked!

Surprisingly, I don't feel the need to binge watch it... just like the simple dishes highlighted in every episode, each one has to be savored and processed slowly to enjoy the the complexity of the human stories that at first glance might look mundane, but when delved deeper into their characters' lives, they are masterfully elevated to intricate and delightful stories... just like the food.

What I like is that each episode has an independent story - or at least from what I've watched so far (I'm still on the first season - of five!)

Here's the link to the trailer on YouTube, if you want to have an early taste: